The Road to Post-Omega PF11
How long will the Pandemic last?
Process: Predictions involving the outcomes of unprecedented or
entirely new events must
utilise theory. Very few outside the scientific community revel in the joys of Theory, but today you may come to appreciate the
practical value of theoretical reasoning. Theory, the primary tool to explore anything unknown, generally begins with new tags or agreed definitions so that the discussion may embark. The present framework of discussion, of theory, around PF11 appears to be lacking several important terms, specificity, control variables, causality determination and scientific rigour.
So let's make an attempt to plant some markers and comport a discussion on one simple and important area of measurement,
PF11 Timing. Let's call today's virus,
PF11β, and a future tipping point,
PF11Ω, for ease of discussion. Let's agree that we must progress beyond that future event of
PF11Ω before the Pandemic will dissipate. (
The distance between
PF11β and
PF11Ω is unknown.
And that delta, that difference, will remain unknown until some point in the distant future when we can retrospectively measure the closing event. Today, we'll talk about the road that everyone will travel from this moment until that closing event.
The journey between the two points will be progressively inundated with higher levels of impediment to the traveler. The traveler may
not declare an optional routing. Due to decisions made by others, the traveler’s only available option is to agree and undertake the journey as given.
We all are driving the
only highway (
ΣPF11) between this small town of Bad (
PF11β) and the metropolis of Worst (
PF11Ω). We know that
no one knows the rate of speed we are traveling because no speedometer may be calibrated for a
non-uniform progression. Measurement is incomplete for all practical purposes.
Fits and starts will be the norm. We also know that each family will be affected by various types of collisions along the way. In the veritable infinity of infectious vectors, few will emerge without themselves, their family or some important person in their lives being impacted. Density, proximity and movement
guarantee collision in any bounded system and this system is distinctly bounded.
As the traveler succeeds in passing each mile with the almost certain collisions and if they are able to survive the increasing number of attack vehicles (recombinants from the
Influenza Flux), the lost segments of road (
poorly chosen mediation measures) and the dwindling availability of fueling stations,
eventually they will arrive at a better place. Though
PF11>Ω, this
first city on the other side of Worst, is not the ultimate destination, any relief after that pandemic journey will be appreciated and any glimmer of light will be a sight for sore eyes.
Eventual arrival is the key concept. How long will this journey last and what must you do to eventually arrive are the important questions.
Someday long hence, you may rate this trip as “Somewhat Unpleasant” or “Utterly Devastating”
depending on how well you’ve equipped your individual journey with actionable Knowledge and viable provisions. Though a fully intact arrival might be your goal, the most capable and well-Led travelers will realise that completion of this journey with only minor impact is a deep blessing because you’re going to need to see around corners to get there at all. While others
planned your route straight through renegade territory, the responsibility now falls on you to cross this expanse of impediments and the ostensible rest areas are unprotected.
Renegades abide no law and a virus abides no social messaging campaign. A virus does not care and a virus does not feel. A virus just makes copies and reacts to the environment by acquiring new genetics.
A virus escapes and evades. You are now being forced to drive your family directly into a hundred-mile wide,
bone-dry forest in a three-year drought that has been primed by summer heat. From the moment you enter the expanse, you can
feel the dryness of the stick wood and you know the logical outcome, but your route planners have given you no exit from this road. You can’t race this virus. One stray spark and everything changes.
On what type of journey do you wish to lead your family? Where on the scale between “Somewhat Unpleasant” and “Utterly Devastating” do you wish for your future rating to stand? Your actions today select your rating for tomorrow. This article provides you the initiative you need to act.
The route has been
decided by our lack of determination, by our abdication of responsibility to untrustworthy people.
Continue to Follow or
Start to Lead, but be certain to load your vehicle well because your journey is beginning.
For additional background on the clinical and epidemiological observational facts concerning Pandemic Influenza H1N1, please refer to the
Table of Contents for
PF11 Trends & Issues, Mid-Term.
Please visit for insight into the latest published studies.