
Why should I care about Pandemic Influenza H1N1?

In the absence of a viable solution to a known future event, logic holds that we will work to Prevent the Event.

Today, we are each facing a potential high impact event. Our team has focused an extensive research project on Pandemic Influenza for 5 years, examining pandemics / plagues, measuring the available facts and associated data on the clinical and epidemiological outcomes and identifying mediation measures that predict success while spotlighting those that allow failure.

Our team, as of this writing, recognises a clear set of signals correlating to our predicted trajectory of a high-impact, pandemic influenza viral march. Investigation of daily genetic and clinical reports, including individual close scrutiny of many rapid deaths among the young, demonstrates a present trend matching numerous historical plagues. You have heard by now about the 1918 Pandemic, but you may not have grasped the weight of a plague so culturally impacting that the Influenza death count among service age young men was a primary factor in ending the World War.

In our estimation, a triple reassortment, multiple recombination-based Pandemic Influenza H1N1 (PF11) was less expected than an H5N1 Avian Influenza spread. However, the PF11 results appear to be very similar in many individual clinical outcomes to H5N1. Moreover, PF11 is much more concerning due to the rapid geographical spread and the suggestion of viral fitness-inducing conservation in the genetics, mimicking the 1918 Pandemic strain that killed 50 to 100 million people globally and destroying 70% of the population in some locations.

Our careful examination of the viral traits and the human biological response strongly suggests that the primary mediation measures (anti-virals and vaccines) being implemented today at the national and international level will be recorded in history as scientific errors when the post-pandemic data is reviewed. Our trusting children, the primary risk group, are known to not respond well to TamiFlu. A review study released last week in the British Medical Journal indicates that the complications from using TamiFlu in children outweigh any minimal benefit. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) that were proven in our country during 1918 and across the span of history are being downplayed or openly denied today. Those very same NPIs were recorded as essential in many response plans from 2004 until their recent redaction during the early phases of PF11.

Historical data proves that reducing caseload and spread early in a pandemic dramatically decreases future virulence and death peaks for many reasons including denying the virus the wide foothold necessary to recombine and strengthen. Our present national response is guaranteed to increase early peaks, established by mathematical models and observational data to produce a larger future death count. Reliance on faith in a vaccine that will arrive too late, match too little and seroconvert too few is removing focus on more practical actions that can be taken now to reduce the peaks early in the SecondWave.

We appear to have much to learn yet? Would the abundant observational facts assist?

If you care to continue reading, in this blog you will learn facts about PF11 relating to human biology, individual outcomes and population effects. Virulence, pathogenicity and transmissibility will be profiled at those three levels.

For additional background on the clinical and epidemiological observational facts concerning Pandemic Influenza H1N1, please refer to the Table of Contents for PF11 Trends & Issues, Mid-Term.

Please visit GeneWurx.com for insight into the latest published studies.
